My favorite African American Youtubers

YouTube  has taken over the world along with all other social media.

It  has opened the door for positive self made black women to have a voice and if your anything like me then when you watch some of  these YouTube women you feel empowered.

today I want to share  five of  my favorite YouTubers :

1.  Jouelzy :

This girl gets us in order with her #SmartBrownGirl Movement and her self made books. Jouelzy is the  definition of educated black girl she expresses her feelings on cultural references as seen in the video above.


2. AskProy –


This fellow A&T alum is #HairGoals she express herself with the  bold hair colors and she inspired me color my hair.



3. The Daily  Davidsons :

The Daily Davidson’s release daily vlogs on  their lives. in today society where theirs so much negative  stereotyping on black families it is refreshing to see a positive black family.

4. My natural sistas :

these sistas are gorges and embody sisterhood literally .

5. Ashley Miller :

Ashley Miller is probably my favorite out of everyone she reveiws all our favorite shows and she gives me pure life.

Terrance Jenkins returns to NCAT

An notable North Carolina A&T State returned to university on Thursday to be interviewed by WNNA radio station.

The JOMC department very own Terrence Jenkins returned   to the university to discuss his new film the “Perfect Match. ”  WNNA personality Allan Meade  \was the  interviewer and he asked Jenkins everything from what was his ideal valentine’s  day to advice for future  journalist. The event was held in the Academic  classroom building on campus at 2 p.m.

the event started with an welcoming speech from SGA president Austin Ogletree followed by a performance from Aggie Night Live and 3rd lane. the Q&A with Jenkins Was the highlight of the event as it was commination of laughing matters and inspiring quotes.


Jenkins also reminisced  to his days at A&T sharing his experience and stories with the audience. His movie the Perfect Match hits theaters March 11th.

WGN new show Underground


The New show underground is  stirring up buzz about its controversial topic and its  

amazing characters.

  John   Legend’s  Underground  hit  the airwaves on WGN America on Wednesday March 9th  2016 and it’s been on fire ever since. the story is a slave narrative that   covers the the journey of 7 runaway slaves off an Atlanta plantation.

The  show was created by Misha Green and Joe Pokaski and was produced by singer, songwriter John Legend.  It also has a very interesting cast with stars like  Jurnee- Smollett Bell, Aldis Hodge, and Renwick D. Scott II.

The story is not your typical slave narrative, it shows a power group of people trying to escape from enslavement with a lot twist in turns. We are now on episode 5 and the story has definitely been an enjoyment.   

The show has started a movement called ‘’ Break free” to encourage people to break free of whatever is hindering them in life. “ Underground is a story about a group of slaves who decided they wanted to break free.” Said John Legend.


              Underground airs on Wednesdays at 9/8 central, check out the trailer below :


NCAT runoff elections


Greensboro- Election season ended on Wednesday and students are not pleased with the  run-off results.
Election season ended on March 30 at 6pm in the student union.Winners were announced from each ballat and some resulted in a run off. The day started off as tradition with candidates lines up in front of the student union trying to get in there last few hours of campaign.  As I walked   past the tables I saw spirits were high and candidates were  wishing each other well. Throughout the day  Aggies were promoting their respective candidates and many  students  express that they were kind of annoyed with the candidates. I  talked to many students throughout the  day and they already had their predictions on who would win Mister and Miss A&T. candidate for Mister A&T, Jefferon Smalls according to students was the favorite and Crystal , Miss A&T candidate seemed to have the people’s attention as well. As the day whine down students gathered in front of the student union to hear the results. The counting of  ballots  took up to 20 minutes. Candidates like   Miss A&T candidate, Lelia Dialo were shaking with nervousness. The whole student union was silent as a spokesperson for the elections community came out to announced that the results would be not be given today and that  the elections committee would deliberate and give us the results on Thursday . The results were held  until friday and students received an email around 11:30 A.M  stating that the following candidates would be in a runoff. For Miss candidates Jasmine Boles and Lelia Dalio, Mister resulted in a runoff between Jefferon Smalls and Curtis Pope. These results  raised a lot of eyebrows for students. Class groupmes sparked conversations stating whether the results were fair. it also started a conversation about what Miss A&T should embody Former freshman  Miss for the class of 2018 shared her opinion from experience saying being a Miss is not all about the glitz  and glamour,” it’s more about being selfless because it takes a lot of free time.”  This made me think about what should a Miss really embody and I hope whoever wins the tittle will carry the crown like a true King and Queen.

Mister and Miss A&T pageant

GREENSBORO- the Mister and Miss North Carolina A&T pageant took place on Wednesday at Harrison auditorium   to kick off the start of the 2016-2017 A&T campaign season.

It’s that time of the year again where the school year is almost over and students will go their separate ways for the summer. This means that it is time to vote for a new student government board. The event took place at Harrison auditorium and was set for 7pm.Doors opened at 6:30pm, but the show was still delayed.

When I got there the line was wrapped around the corner and people were anticipating what’s to come inside. Inside was a green magical wonderland with the wiz as the theme. The stage was graced by six contestants, two males and five females. The show started with an introduction dance between the contestants ease on down the road.

The event was hosted by last year’s Mr. A&T 2015 finalist Zachary Price and had an array of Judges from A&T departments.  The next part of the contest was the talent portion, it was filled with emotional monologues and poems about family members and their thoughts. The last event in the competition was evening wear. The audience gushed over the elegant wear that the contestants wore as they gracefully walked across the stage to answer a question concerning the issues of university.

The contestants were asked everything from Do you think Greek life is important on campus? To what is preeminence 20/20? Students also enjoyed a performance by A&T own music group third lane during the intermission.  Only five contestants advance to be in the running of Mister and Miss, these contestants were Curtis Pope, Jefferson Smalls, Crystal Cox, Leila Diallo and Jasmine Boles. Amanda Mbata was eliminated from the competition. Many students told me that they didn’t like the results of the completion. “I didn’t expected Amanda not to make it to the finals”, said Jalyn Neely when asked how she felt about the results.

Student Government elections started Wednesday night at Midnight and end March 30th at 6p.m. If I know anything from what I hear this election season will be very interesting.